Welcome back to AgPest alerts.
After a longer-than-expected break, AgPest alerts are back with a new look and will arrive in your inbox twice-monthly to help with weed and pest related issues.
Thank you for your patience.
Grass grub and porina damage becoming evident
Grass grub and porina damage will now be evident in most areas. Grass grub damage is indicated initially by loss of clover and subsequently by patches of pasture turning yellow. At this time of year, these patches become soft underfoot and are prone to pugging. Porina damage will show as bare areas of pasture often with only weed plant species present. Conventional insecticide is the only control option likely to give control of either pest. By now production losses have already occurred but treatment may save the affected pastures.
Watch for porina damage in Mid/Lower North Island
Porina damage (especially in Hawkes Bay, Taranaki, Wairarapa and Manawatu) from caterpillars, arising from late February/March flights may only now be becoming apparent. Careful consideration needs to be given to control options as spring growth may occur before damage becomes such that plants are lost from pastures.