About us

AgPest offers a single website that includes practical information to upskill farmers and their advisors on identification and management of over 80 pests and weeds and provides alerts emailed out to registered users. These alerts provide timely information warning farmers of pest issues in their region and suggest appropriate management responses.

The project was initiated by a team of farmers from Otago, Waikato and Northland who were struggling with a number of pasture pests on farm. AgResearch’s Dr Katherine Tozer has headed the project which was previously known as Pestweb and first went live in mid-2009 with major inputs from Mr Colin Ferguson, Dr Trevor James and other AgResearch entomologists and weed science teams.


AgPest has been developed with funding and support from the following partners:

       logo_DairyNZ   MPI logo

With additional support from the following organisations:

Greater wellington reagional council jpg    Hawks bay logo   land corp resize     nufarm   ORION LOGO resized    BOPRC_DRAFT_PCH  enviro canterbury  enviro south resize  Fertiliser-AssociationTRERT branding-drafts-2.fh11-3   Waikato council resized    logo_NZPPS  logo_AbacusBio