Further information
Bodmin KA, Champion PD, James TK, Burton T, 2016. New Zealand rushes (Juncus): factsheets and key.
Champion P, James TK, Popay AI, Ford K, 2015. An Illustrated Guide to Common Grasses, Sedges and Rushes of New Zealand. New Zealand Plant Protection Society, Christchurch, New Zealand.
Healy AJ, 1982. Rushes. Pp. 129-172, in Healy AJ, Identification of Weeds and Clovers, A New Zealand Weed and Pest Society Publication, Editorial Services, Featherston. (Book no longer in print and hard to find in second-hand bookshops).
Healy AJ, Edgar E, 1980. Flora of New Zealand Volume III, Adventive Cyperaceae, Petalous and Spathaceous Monocotyledons. PD Hasselberg, Government Printer, Wellington, New Zealand. (Book no longer in print but may be available from second-hand bookshops).